Music Teaching/Lecture Topic

“Jazziz in Claire de Lune”

Much of what we call jazz can be discovered in the first two pages of the extraordinary solo piano composition, “Claire de Lune.” Though the piece doesn’t rhythmically “swing,” demonstrated at the piano it is astonishing to see and hear the forward-thinking melodic and harmonic jazz elements Debussy composed within these two pages.

School/Church Teaching Topic

“Your Game”

This message has been delivered many times at schools and youth rallies across the country. Ultimately life is neither a hasty sprint, nor a competition with others, but an endurance run. It is foolish to constantly compare ourselves to others (2 Cor. 10:12), and we all end up losers in the Comparison Game. Life is a long-term contest with one’s self.

Music/Church Teaching Topic

“Psalmos: What the Bible Says About Music”

Music is one of the hottest topics in the church. There is a great deal of controversy surrounding what the Scriptures do and do not say about music. There is only one songbook in the Bible—the Book of Psalms. Together let’s unpack what the 150 Psalms actually tell us about music! (“Psalmos” can be delivered as one summarized lecture, or in more depth and detail as a series.)

School/Church Teaching Topic

“The Lincoln Logs Lesson”

This lesson revolves around a playful parable about priorities, which are the things in our lives that come prior. Our priorities are the people and things we decide to put first. Empowered by the directive to stay devoted to the “first things” (Mat. ch. 6), long-term fruitfulness will come to those who can forget, filter, and focus on priorities.

School/Church Teaching Topic

“Succeeding in Babylon: Rise to the Top in a Strange Land”

Many factors make the American workplace a frustrating and even maddening arena to expend the bulk of our waking hours. Work has become a dirty four-letter word and the need for a solution is urgent! Four impressive men succeeded royally despite unusually oppressive circumstances; their stories come alive in the Scriptures. This four-part series of messages delivers the savvy and spiritual strategies that directed and propelled them. Getting to know them and entering their stories will help us rise to the top in a strange land!